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tv   Eyewitness Noon News  CBS  May 30, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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this is wjz tv, wjz hd,
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from the city to the counties to your neighborhood. now, it's complete coverage. it's wjz, maryland's news station. hello again. i'm don scott. >> and i'm jessica kartalija. if you've been outside, you know it's hot and muggy. the national weather service now issuing a heat advisory for the entire state of maryland. that will continue through tomorrow night. take a live look outside right now and stand by for how hot it will be for those headedout doors for memorial day festivities. >> good afternoon. let me give you the stat of the day. hotter in baltimore than death valley. death valley will be 91 and our forecast has jumped up to 97. let's take a look at the watch.
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this covers the entire state. that's breaking news. i'm refresh this graphic momentarily. what i want you to note is the i-95 corridor. that's where the excessive heat watch is. it's currently 90 degrees on tv hill at noon. that's 9 degrees hotter than this time yesterday with a heat index of 96 right now. and this is going to be with us for a while. this unusually intense late may heat and a very hot forecast that extends beyond midweek. how much so and how far down the road? we'll have the details coming up. the temperature and the heat index have prompted the city of baltimore to open cooling centers. four centers will be open today and tomorrow until 7:00 at night. a list of locations can be found on
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click on news and look for the story. gunshots rang out in pikesville yesterday morning. two men were dead in the parking lot. good afternoon, ron. >> reporter: apparently, this whole incident began with an argument over a woman. a fight broke out inside the italian bar and grill and it apparently continued outside. two were killed outside in the parking lot. officers received reports about a fight and were on the way to the scene when the shooting happened. the shooters fled the area before police arrived and no arrests have been made as of yet. anyone with information on the incident is asked to contact the police. a firefighter is injured battling a house fire. a woman also has minor injuries.
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the cause of the fire is under investigation. republicans have their eye on the white house and are busy honoring war veterans and building excitement for the 2012 elections. manuel gallegus reports. the mission we are on the to highlight america's foundation. >> reporter: in keeping with her we the people theme, the former candidate is visiting the national archives in washington, d.c. the former alaska governor is taking a wait and see approach to the 2012 race and will gauge how she's received. >> i think any republican candidate is very, very electable. >> she's someone who does not have to follow all the traditional old rules of campaigning. she can just throw them out the window and run her campaign in
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a completely different way. >> former, no mayor rudy giuliani surprised many by coming in first among gop contenders in a new national pole. he's been turning up in new hampshire and will be there again this week. michelle bachmann is there and plans to announce her candidacy in iowa. that's the state with the nation's first caucus. and where tim pawlenty is already campaigning. former massachusetts governor mitt romney will make his candidacy official in new hampshire on thursday. other politicians said to be testing the political waters, texas governor rick perry and former new york governor. president obama was honoring the war veterans earlier today. he laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknowns at arlington
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national cemetery. he also spoke at a service. the high cost of gasoline will be a big issue leading up to the presidential election. and some experts say the worst is yet to come. goldman sachs is predicting $5 a gallon by mid-july. prices haven't been that high since before the recession. the prices continue to fall over this holiday weekend. the average is now $3.81, down 13 cents from last month. the drivers are still paying $1.07 more than last year at the same time. the men's lacrosse team is one win away from a national title. the unseated maryland team will play virginia today. that game starts at 3:30. maryland men haven't won the national title since 1975. as for the women, they came a game short in the title hopes.
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they lost a close one to northwestern in new york. final score 8-7. and maryland finishes the season at 21-2. i have my maryland colors on. maryland and memorial day colors too. still to come. a buckeye bombshell. a big announcement from jim tressel. what he has told his school. a large wind storm creates a stunning sight for people on the shore. where this happened. and a consult' memorial day with more -- a sultry memorial day. complete coverage continues with don scott, jessica with don scott, jessica kartalija, and marty ,,,,,,
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ok. what if i just had a small slice? i was good today, i deserve it! or, i could have a medium slice and some celery sticks and they would cancel each other out, right? or...ok. i could have one large slice and jog in place as i eat it or...ok. how about one large slice while jogging in place followed by eight celery... mmm raspberry cheesecake... i have been thinking about this all day. wow, and you've lost weight! oh yeah, you're welcome. thank you! [ female announcer ] yoplait light. with 30 delicious flavors all around 100 calories each.
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president obama has introduced his choice to lead the joint chiefs of staff. the white house called army general martin dempsey one of the most respected and battle tested generals in the military. he's succeed navy admiral mike mullen as the top military adviser. an arizona woman is facing
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theft and child endangerment charges. she shoplifted with her child in her arms. >> she actually strikes the child's head against the door frame as she's running out the door. >> the woman used her child to escape walmart agents. police say the same woman stole from a nail salon. big news from the world of college football. ohio state university coach jim tressel has stepped down. a school spokesperson says the buckeye's coach stepped down. he was facing a suspension in the upcoming season for failing to notify the school about his players selling merchandise. people in australia recorded a huge water spot. take a look. experts say inside a spout like this, winds can top 60 miles
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per hour. that's strong enough to pick up marine wildlife out of the water. and it wasn't just one water spout. several more were spotted in the same area. that was a tall and skinny one. >> unbelievable. look how high. wow. still to come on wjz eyewitness news at noon, a hot and sticky day out there. and it's only going to get hotter. the updated forecast is minutes away. and the stock market is closed today for ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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now, first alert weather, and the first warning of severe weather. >> let's jump right in. and temperatures are the story of the day. right now the normal daytime high is 78 degrees. 93 in greater columbia and downtown. 88 rock hall. 89 annapolis. look at western maryland. and 88 degrees. a little bit of a gentle ocean -- i don't want to say ocean wind. ocean breeze, okay. it's not 12 degrees hotter than 24 hours ago. we're seeing a heat index this noon hour of right at 100.
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and i got to be honest with you. and that could go to 104 or 105 this afternoon. if you're going to the maryland, virginia game, hydrate yourself before you go down there. there's not even a shade cloud in the sky. look at that barometer. the high pressure continues to expand. and ultimately, it will break down. a cold front will move our way. but today, tomorrow, wednesday, that high is really going to absolutely with an iron fist grip our forecast. here comes this cool front on wednesday. and i say cool. it's not a cold front. you're going to take temperatures from 20 above normal to 10 degrees above normal. 97 for a high this date. the record goes back to 1991. clear and humid tonight and an overnight low of 69. tomorrow the record is 96, calling for a 95-degree reading.
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again that goes back to 1991. and we do get to 98 today or above. tie or break, that's the all time high temperature for the may in maryland. we could really set a big one today. >> wow. >> thank you. millions of people around the nation are taking time to stop and honor veterans who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. a special tribute to soldiers killed in iraq and afghanistan since last year. wjz is live there. >> reporter: good afternoon everyone. of course, this is maryland's annual tribute to men and women who have sacrificed they're live toss preserve our freedom. the ceremony honors members of the military with substantial ties to maryland. killed since may 2010 while serving in operation iraqi freedom and operation enduring freedom in afghanistan. >> it's a day we honor those
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who gave their lives so that we may freely live and enjoy ours. memorial day reminds us of the true meaning of sacrifice. these are the men and women who said send me, i will go when others could not or would not. men and women who understood that in going, they might never return to their loved ones. and as we remember the nine who fell since last memorial day in the wars in iraq and afghanistan -- >> reporter: the families of those nine received honors today. reporting live from delaine valley, i'm pat warren. we'll have much more on today's ceremonies in the 4:00, 5:00, and 6:00 news. and still to come, prescription drugs are coming with more and more side effects these days. the details of a new study.
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here are the top stories on at this hour. please log on to for all the latest. i love to eat. i love hanging out with my friends. i have a great fit with my dentures. i love kiwis. i've always had that issue with the seeds getting under my denture. super poligrip free -- it creates a seal of the dentures in my mouth. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs, it's clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. super poligrip free made the kiwi an enjoyable experience. [ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip.
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in today's wjz health watch a new survey shows the vast
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majority of women are not happy about the guidelines for breast screenings. recommendations issued by a group of independent experts in 2009 are unsafe. experts recommended mammograms every two years if they're between the ages of 50 and 74. that's a shift from previous recommendations of annual mammograms. if you're seeing more warnings of side effects for prescription drugs, you're right. 70 per medication according to a new study. manufacturers may be worried about lawsuits. high doses of vitamins c and e may not actually help women avoid a possible dangerous complication of pregnancies. nine studies involving 20,000 women shows those who took large doses of the vitamins did
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not have a lower risk of preeclampsia. 5% of women developed the condition which causes high blood pressure and raises protein levels in urine. you'll want to be sure to check back in at 4:00, 5:00, and 6:00 for online pictures. most of them upload them to social media websites. how private are the photos and the information that comes with them. and if your children use sports and energy drinks, don't miss a study coming in health watch. that's right after dr. phil. >> and please stay with us. the 5-day forecast is next. ,
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that's a sure sign of the summer season, the warm weather season in maryland. >> check out the parasol. >> smart move by the way. it's not a bad idea. you drop the temperature almost 10 degrees in the shade. >> sure. >> go out and enjoy yourself. and i'm using the lacrosse game as an example. hydrate yourself before you get down there. don't wait until you get thirsty. hydrate yourself before you get to your parties. >> and we're talking about water. beer doesn't count. >> sure doesn't.
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>> you can't catch up. >> we are going to blow torch today, tomorrow, and tuesday. friday and saturday will be in the mid- to upper 80s. friday's that's the ride across maryland. and right now we hope the weather forecast doesn't change. get down and fight breast cancer in a big way. and don't miss the prime time lineup this evening. at 10:00, it's hawaii five-o. a company in new zealand has unveiled a jet pack that may appear in stores around the world. the pack is powered by large fans and flies up to 5000 feet. after a few more tests, the company intends to sell them for about $49,000. >> laugh. >> the high end car. people have enough trouble on
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the beltway. you want to ride around there? >> i'm not sure i want to go up 5000 feet in something strapped to my back. >> by the time you get where you're going. you're wind blown. have a great ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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